paper—vulture is conceived due to my love of bookbinding and papers. I vividly remembered the scene in the paper atelier where everybody were scavenging for the paper, just like vultures. Years ago, I was given nearly three hundred pieces of assorted papers and I believe in paying it forward. Hence, I will document about the paper given to me and how I bind them as gifts to others.
A group exhibition with Design Factory Korea - Omelet Club’s Fall “Who Am I” exhibition. Upcycling existing hanji found in protoshop, I decided to cut these various ornamented hanji into sheets. Saddle stitch was used to bind each of the signatures (16pp) and the strings used are based on the idea of Korean’s Obangsaek (5 color theory: Black, white, yellow, blue, red). Hanji and binding books are my passion, and thus metaphorically, the coloured strings represents the tying of those passion for me in Korea. Finally, I bound the last book which consists of 5 signatures in 2 different sizes via coptic stitch binding. To increase the usability of the book, I added plain xerox paper within each signature.
Hanji paper,
Xerox paper,
5 colors strings,
Cotton strings
Saddle Stitch
Coptic Stitch
An A5 handy book for an amazing and young colleague whom i had the chance to work side by side akin to combat mates then. Thicker strings were used in case when she furiously scribble her thoughts down. That is how spectacular this seemingly meek lady are with written words — fearlessly convicted in the exploration of youth and self. Plain kraft and maple white stocks were used because no additional colours are needed for when her ink touches the paper, it will colour them with words. This is a handy booklet for a young friend who inspired me and continue to inspire.
Cotton Strings
Kraft Paper
Maplewhite Stocks
Ladder Stitch
Tri-colour cotton string,
Ladder Stitch
A customised gift for a junior leaving abroad to study, a tri-coloured strings are used and at the end of the bind, the strings were plaited to form a book string possible to use as a book wrap.
An earth-toned theme, mixing 3 different tone for each signature's cover. Bonded into an A5 booklet with polyester string via ladder stitching.
Ladder Stitch,
Polyester String
Skin-tone translucent paper,
Textured paper,
Polyester String
Building on the translucent+opaque theme, I mixed a skin tone translucent paper with a highly textured paper as the 2nd layer and the result was spectacular. It looked like a real human skin book cover.
Translucent Paper Cover & Back
Ladder Stitch,
Polyester String
Mixing translucent paper with core maple white paper, the combination between the colours comes off very serene and pleasant; Whereas, the combination between the translucent and opaque paper created a very interesting texture to the book.
30pp graph paper with an experimental mix of 2 Chinese binding. I read up and realised that only the Koreans uses 5 holes as they like odd numbers more. The green is Kangxi 5-hole Stitching and the mustard is the Tortoise-Shell Binding. I thought using the marking on the graph paper to mix this 2 ancient binding together would be interesting.
30pp, Kangxi Stitch +
Tortoise-Shell Binding cotton string,
Korean 5 hole stitching,
Graph Paper
Reusing graph paper, I trimmed them and bonded them. New books for the new year! Back in the days, I've always wondered why are there 2 types of graph paper, a darker green line ones and the lighter green line ones. Comes in 2 signature and 3 signature respectively.
12.5cm x 20.5cm, Graph Paper,
60pp and 40pp, Nylon string,
Regular Binding
Using unused blank sketching book with rusty staplers, I took the usable paper and rebinded it. I also frayed the top and trimmed the papers in irregular sizes to make it more dynamic and tactile interesting.
60 pages, Kettle Stitch,
Wood-free 80gsm
White Cotton string
3 booklet each 60pp of brown paper that is of different property front and backside. Creation was to practice binding.
A5-sized, Experimental Coptic Stitch
White polyester string
Dual tone brown paper, 60pp
Tried out a new binding from the Japanese Book Binding Instructions Book. Inside the book, I chose to practice the binding for ancient ledger booklet called the Daifuku Cho. I used 3 coloured strings (colours of Tibetan Culture) to bind. This is my first try and definitely more to come.
A6-sized, Daifuku Cho Binding
3 coloured cotton strings
As a gift for my cousin to New Zealand, I've binded an A5, 128 pages book, using experimental kettle stitching. I chose softer paper colours to suit my cousin's taste. However, I've used thicker stocks for this handmade book to ensure it will be able to last for field trips.
A5-sized, Experimental Kettle Stitch,
Off white nylon string,
3 different paper stocks
To commentate the start of something new, I decided to bind myself an A6-sized little notebook.
A6-sized, Regular binding,
3 Signature, Ivory paper stock
For a dear friend's birthday, I've tried binding with experimented 3-coloured strings bind and brown kraft paper with frays leaving out as an accents.
A6-sized, 6 Signature,
Brown kraft paper,
3 coloured cotton string